Ara Ake

Brand Touch-points:


Ara Ake turns innovative energy ideas into reality. From start-ups to large organisations they work with businesses to facilitate and support demonstration projects of new and emerging technologies across Aotearoa New Zealand. With New Zealand on a journey of energy innovation, Ara Ake is crucial in helping provide funding and investment support, insights and connection.

The Project/s

Ara Ake wanted to show who they are and what they do at a recent Energy event. We worked with Ara Ake to ensure that the video showcased their mission and vision. Ara Ake is helping lead the charge with New Zealand’s journey to decarbonise the nation, and this message needed to be clear. It also needed to appeal to energy innovators and show Ara Ake are there to help craft their energy solutions by offering a range of tailored services. Script and Storyboard were produced by Strategy Collective and on approval of this Strategy Collective moved into talent selection, location scouting, providing the production schedule for filming and editing and then filming and editing.

The Results

A feature length video was produced and is now being actively promoted on social media.

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