Tūhono ki Tākaro - Strategy Collective

Tūhono ki Tākaro.

Brand Touchpoints:

Brand Strategy. Branding. Design. Illustration. Photography. Print Collateral.

The Art of Play.

Tūhono ki Tākaro speaks to connection and play.

Krystal Burrell approached us to develop a brand that would help her showcase what she does as a facilitator as a kaupapa māori led play therapist and educator.

Krystal forms deep connections with parents and children, often from disadvantaged backgrounds and equips parents with extra tools in their toolbox, providing a supportive learning environment for whānau.

Strategy Collective were engaged on naming, logo identity and website. The logo motif is based on Krystal’s own moko kauae which is a representation of her whakapapa and was cleverly weaved into the brand design.
