"When someone says you can’t do that. You can’t achieve it. It’s not possible. It just adds a burning fuel to the fire" - Lisa Tamati.

Ruthie Frank’s passion is turning something old into something new and giving it another life. Nothing is measured, every piece unique and treasured for years to come.

When Simone Biles made her withdrawal from the Tokyo Olympics, this caused a variety of reactions from people around the world. Some accused her of “quitting”, while others applauded her courage.

There has been a lot of talk, proposals and recommendations around the Holidays Act 2003. But for now, let’s keep it simple and focus on what you need to know, and what has passed legislation.

Strategy Collective are now licensed with three of our People and Culture Consultants holding the Private Investigator designation to undertake employment investigations for your business.

If you’ve got any sort of entrepreneurial cell inside, you would have asked yourself this question at least once: “I wonder, would this make a good business?”

Here’s a handy checklist to separate the “nice ideas” from the ideas with real potential.

A business’s brand is more than just a logo and a colour scheme—it’s the entire emotional and psychological connections that that business makes with their target audience. It’s the thing that turns your one-off customers into roaring fans and the thing that transforms a bunch of employees into a team of united, purpose-driven collaborators.

Albert Einstein famously said that “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Covid-19 has provided plenty of opportunities for businesses to test Einstein’s theory. Difficulty has come at us from all angles including loss of revenue, staffing issues, lack of supply, working from home, childcare, and navigating government support and regulations.

Aarons passion for cooking and desire to learn a new skill has paid off with his one of a kind custom made knives.

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